dimanche 15 mai 2011

Québec City

I stay only few hours in the city so I don't really know the city but it looks like a very touristic place, with lots of children and tourists groups. The "old city" spirit is a little bit artificial, and they'd loved to be more european as they try to look like. But it's a nice place to visit, for sure !
Québec City, Québec

Québec City, Québec

Saint Tite des Caps - Waiting

Calm place where the locals come to have a hamburger or a beer and talk with friends.
Before the rush, Saint Tite des Caps, Québec
Friends meeting in the restaurant, Saint Tite des Caps, Québec
Local guy, Saint Tite des Caps, Québec

Slow speed with the river

Without tripod it was hard to shoot something really good, but I did my best at least to catch something.. It's fun, I like it ! The flow of this little river was very fast and the colors of the sky and the trees where great to capture. It was a cool night there too !
River #1, Saint Tite des Caps, Québec

River #2, Saint Tite des Caps, Québec

River #3, Saint Tite des Caps, Québec

On the road again, Hitchhiking

A road between Tadoussac and la Baie Saint Paul.
Road, Québec


This is the place where whales are supposed to be visible... Can you see anything ? Actually it was a little bit to early, the good season is during june, at the begining of the summer. But it's a cool place, very small town too, and the other touristic attract is the sand dunes. I slept in the top of them and it was pretty cold !
Tadoussac, Québec

Sainte Rose du Nord

Another small town on the fjord where I camped.. Sainte Rose du Nord.
Sainte Rose du Nord, Québec

Sainte Rose du Nord, Québec

Sainte Rose du Nord, Québec

Sainte Rose du Nord, Québec
Sainte Rose du Nord, Québec
Sainte Rose du Nord, Québec

Saint Fulgence

A little town between Chicoutimi and Tadoussac where I camped.
Dodge, Saint Fulgence, Québec

Une prière svp, Saint Fulgence, Québec

Highview, Saint Fulgence, Québec

Jazz Concert, Chicoutimi

Another great live music bar, le Bar à Pitons... The place is like your livingroom with only few tables and chairs, and the scene is two square meters, so musicians play just in front of you. This time it was a jazz improvisation band, and I've loved that, again !
Jazz improvisation, Bar à Pitons, Chicoutimi, Québec

Jazz improvisation, Bar à Pitons, Chicoutimi, Québec

Around Saguenay

I stayed five days in the region of Saguenay. It was continuously raining the three first, and then the sun came out.. I had few walks in different little parks of the region. Here, water is everywhere.
Chicoutimi Nord, Saguenay, Québec

Rivière des Moulins park, Saguenay, Québec
Jonquière, Saguenay, Québec

Wood stick under the rain..

May, 1st - On the Road

I travel by car from Montreal to Chicoutimi, taking the road of the Parc des Laurentides. The 200 kilometers road is crossing forests and frozen lakes. It's a national park without any human construction. We stopped near the Jacques Cartier lake, the bigger of the park.
Jacques Cartier lake, Parc des Laurentides, Québec

Jacques Cartier lake, Parc des Laurentides, Québec

samedi 30 avril 2011

Scans from Asahi Pentax 6x7 format

Here are two portraits I took yesterday with François camera, Asahi Pentax 6x7 format, and we developped the film in his darkroom. Those pictures are without any post treatment. Just a compression from tif to jpg.


Portrait of Hippy

Eric, after a party in an appartment where four "hippies" are living...

Let's have a drink !

François prepared us the authentic Haïti Punch, with a very great Rhum from there. Trust me, we enjoyed it !




I was shooting this afternoon with François and Camille, who does lighting professionnaly, so I was really well surrounded with them ! We developped a 6x7 black and white film. Looking forward to see scans...


6x7 Developping

jeudi 28 avril 2011

Saint Joseph Observatory

This is a view from the Saint Joseph Observatory. In this place, people were used to do a pilgrimage. They were climbing steps on the knees... and there are lots of steps !
Saint Joseph Observatory, Montreal

Montreal, still...

I love this kind of street view...


Same place but this time we listened swing jazz and eastern europ music. I really enjoyed it, and realized that my guitar miss me a lot...
Concert, Montreal


Again, some shots taken in Montreal.
Montreal - HDR

Montreal - HDR

mardi 26 avril 2011


This is a part of the harbor where people are not allowed to go. I've walked until I was blocked by those barriers.
Harbor, Montreal - HDR

Cemetery doesn't always look sad

In Mont Royal there is a huge cemetery. It's called Notre Dame des Neiges, and it's so great to walk among the dead when it's sunny like it was...
Notre Dame des Neiges Cemetery, Montreal - HDR